Veteran India batter KL Rahul was bought by Dellhi Capitals in the IPL 2025 mega auction for a price of INR 14 crore. Rahul had led Lucknow Super Giants in the last few years but had some issues with the owner, Sanjiv Goenka, which was evident on the pitch during a match last season. When the Capitals picked him, it felt like he would be the next captain of the franchise given that Rishabh Pant was released and he moved to Lucknow.
However, former India cricketer Dinesh Karthik has revealed in a Cricbuzz’s HeyCB with DK that Axar Patel would be named as the new captain of the Capitals and Rahul is set to play as just a batter in the upcoming tournament. Patel was retained by the franchise for INR 18 crore.
“For Axar Patel, all the very best (for India vice-captaincy). A good opportunity for him. He is going to be the Delhi Capitals’ captain as well. So here is a good opportunity for him to lead and show the way. He has been doing that for Gujarat as well. So, wish him all the luck,” Karthik said on the show.
Axar Patel is also the vice-captain of the Indian T20I team for the England series
Patel led the team for one match when Pant rested himself in the last season. Rahul had meanwhile led the Punjab Kings and Lucknow Super Giants but did not taste any championship win. Meanwhile, the BCCI has announced the squad for the upcoming T20I series against England, and Patel has been named as the vice-captain of the team for the series.
Rahul has been out of the T20I team for India since the 2022 T20 World Cup. It needs to be seen whether he opens the innings for the Capitals or bats in the middle order. He has achieved significant success while playing in the middle order for India in ODI’s.